On Sunday, the Mumbai Police arrested the suspect accused of stabbing Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. Initially identified as Bijay Das, the suspect later revealed his real name to be Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad. He was apprehended in Thane three days after the attack during a combing operation.
Suspect in Saif Ali Khan case has NO Bangladeshi connection
Recent reports by ANI indicate that Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, a suspect in the Saif Ali Khan case has been living in Mumbai for over seven years, contrary to police claims that he had only arrived six months ago. CCTV footage captured the attacker fleeing from the building following the incident.
Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad’s advocate, Sandeep Shekhane, has raised concerns about the investigation, stating, “The court has granted police custody for five days and directed them to submit a report within this period. The police have no evidence that he is a Bangladeshi. Their claim that he came here six months ago is incorrect; he has been living in Mumbai for over seven years, and his family is based here.” Shekhane also alleged a violation of Section 43A, emphasizing that the investigation had not been conducted properly.
#WATCH | Saif Ali Khan attack case | Accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad's advocate Sandeep Shekhane says, "A police custody for 5 days has been granted. The court has asked the police to submit a report within 5 days. The police have no proof that he is a Bangladeshi. They… pic.twitter.com/hpSIp3AuKP
— ANI (@ANI) January 19, 2025
The Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) involved in the operation revealed that Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad was found hiding under dried grass and leaves deep within some bushes. A senior officer elaborated during a media briefing, “The accused initially worked here, so he was aware of the location and found it safe to hole up.” Following his arrest, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad was transported back to Mumbai for further investigation.
Saif’s health updates
At 54 years old, Saif was reported to be out of danger. This confirmation was after he underwent emergency surgery at Lilavati Hospital. He was rushed after the incident took place around 2:30 AM. His son, Ibrahim, quickly transported him to the hospital by auto, arriving around 3 AM. Saif’s wife, Kareena Kapoor, and sister-in-law, Karisma Kapoor, reached the hospital shortly after.